Saturday, December 13, 2014

Pageant Survival Guide

Hi Everyone!

This is a practical post - but still fun! I know "pageant" and "survival" sound very melodramatic together in the same sentence, so let me clarify. Although I doubt anyone has every died from participating in a pageant (maybe I should Google that?), you often hear of women passing out or just plain freaking out during the pageant weekend, and a little extra prep and know-how can really make the whole experience WAY more fun for you. If you are considering participating in a pageant, this post might be really helpful for you. So what do you need? First, let's put together a "survival kit":

  - Makeup: Duh, right? A few things you may not typically use in your daily makeup routine that are a must for stage are false lashes (BIG ones!), eye drops, waterproof versions of everything (because you will "glisten" under the hot stage lights:), a heavy duty concealer, good contouring products (IT Cosmetics makes a fantastic kit) and a quality setting spray. Everything tends to slide from it's intended location during a long night under bright stage lights, and you want staying power! I highly recommend Urban Decay primers and settings sprays to help your makeup stay put through all the smiles, tears, kisses and hugs the night will bring. 

 - Hair products: Again, I'm sure you were already planning on bringing some things with you. Hot rollers, curling irons, flat irons, hairspray… Here are a few things you may not have thought of. Always pack more bobby pins, hair pins, hair bands and hair spray than you think you will need. Nothing will cause you more panic than getting halfway through an updo and running out of pins! Plus, even if you don't use them, you may be able to rescue one of your fellow competitors in need! I also recommend going to Sally Beauty Supply and looking for their heavy duty pins - these are huge, clear plastic pins that come in smaller quantities but hold HUGE amounts of hair. Literally, two of them can hold fine hair into an updo! A teasing brush, not a teasing comb, is another great item to have. They give you much more volume in less time with less damage to your hair - wins all over! A hard hold hairspray like Big Sexy Hair Spray & Play Harder is a great choice too - again, hot lights = meltdown! ALWAYS practice what you want to do with your hair before the pageant so it's easy for you to recreate and there is no last minute stress. Shine spray is another great choice - Redken Outshine is a good one. And don't forget your extra hair!

 - Safety pins… lots of sizes. Safety pins are to a pageant girl what duct tape is to men…

 - Butt Glue. Yes, I just wrote butt glue. I don't recommend walking into your local Target and asking for it, unless you like getting crazy looks:) Go online or to your local fitness/supplement store (like a Supzilla) because the type that fitness competitors use on their posing suits is by far the best. I like spray on the best - the roll-on kind can get messy. You can use it if you have a loose bathing suit top or gapping in your gown too!

 - Baby wipes and baby powder. You aren't changing any diapers - you are getting your butt glue off after swimsuit round so your evening gown doesn't stick to you:)

 - Shoe inserts/pads, grip pads for the bottom of your shoes - no wipe outs for you! Band Aid anti-chaffing stick is AMAZING - it comes in a little blue stick that almost looks like mini deodorant, it's only about $2.50, and you will be SO grateful you have it. It's also great anywhere else clothes might rub, like the inside of your arm against a heavily beaded gown.

 - Orajel. No, you aren't planning on getting a toothache. It's for your ears! This was a genius bit of advice from Mrs. Ohio 2013, Teri Grothaus. Pageant earrings are much bigger and heavier than what you would typically wear, and it doesn't take long for you to wish your earlobes would just fall off. Putting some Orajel on will make it so much better!

 - Midol. It will give you pain relief (hello hours and hours of high heels!), bloat relief (hello bathing suit!) and it has a touch of caffeine to perk you up. They really should market this stuff differently! It's not a bad idea to put together a mini first aid kit too with Band Aids, Neosporin, vitamins and cough drops.

 - Super glue. You never know when a heel will break or a piece of jewelry will need repaired. Just don't confuse it with your butt glue! :)

 - A stick on bra or "chicken cutlets". 'Nuff said:)

 - A "snack bag" and LOTS of water. Too many women try to avoid meals so they don't look "poochy" on stage, but you need energy! Pack things like jerky, granola, nuts, etc. that will keep you going and don't take any prep. Make sure you keep drinking plenty of water all the time. I have seen women drop like flies from dehydration after hours on their feet. Don't risk it!

Those are the essential physical items you need. Other than that, the things you need most are:

 - A great attitude. Be prepared to enjoy everything this experience brings you!

 - Flexibility. Not everything is going to happen the way you expected. Go with the flow and make the most of it!

 - An open heart - be prepared to make TONS of new friends. If you go in with a desire to see the best in others, you will. Check your judgement and critical thoughts at the door and you will reap so many benefits.

I hope this checklist helps you really enjoy your pageant experience. Competing in a pageant can be some of the best memories you ever create for yourself if you come prepared with the right tools and the right attitude. I wish you all the best on your new adventure!

Have fun!
Shaylyn Ford

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