Monday, February 2, 2015

Imaginary Lines

     It's February already! The hustle of the holidays is over and we are settling into what I think is the toughest part of winter. While I have been super busy, I took some time a couple days ago to sit and reflect. It is funny how God gifts you with something at just the right moment, just when you need it the most. I came across this quote and it spoke to me. As I thought more about it, I really wanted to share it with all of you.

     I don't believe in New Year's resolutions, they have never worked for me. But I DO believe in constantly setting goals for myself, short-term and long-term (sometimes that goal is just to get up and get dressed. lol). One of my goals this year? To not let fear hold me back from anything that God places upon my let my FAITH be bigger than my FEAR and just move forward, even if it's taking baby steps. There are some of you sitting out there in cyber land reading this blog who have signed up for this pageant, but are thinking, "what have I gotten myself into?" You may have become friends on Facebook with a few of the other amazing ladies competing, and you are looking at their pictures, reading their posts, and thinking "she is prettier than me, skinnier than me, younger than me, fitter than me, does more in her community than me"....and then you are fearful that you don't have what it takes. How do I know you are doing this? Because I was guilty of the same self-sabotage. The day I began comparing myself to other people is the day I drew that imaginary line and created limits for myself. I don't want you to be a victim of what I like to call "Stinking Thinking", so I am going to give you some tips on how to combat those thoughts and feelings. First and foremost, when that Negative Nellie starts whispering in your ear and telling you that you don't have what it takes, your priority is to immediately say two positive things about yourself. Put her in her place and show her who's boss! The pageant is not far away, so you should be in full pageant prep. Your second task is to do something each day that better prepares you. This can be physically (exercise, walking/posing practice, beauty prep), or mentally/emotionally/spiritually. Some things that really helped me were creating a "pageant playlist". I found songs that inspired me and made me feel strong and played them on my down days, or when exercising. I also read motivational books, printed off quotes and scriptures that spoke to me, and had my family ask me random questions. Third, surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people who believe in you and want to see you succeed. And lastly and maybe the most important depending on your personality....limit your social media time. If you find yourself spending time stalking (yep, I said stalking, lol.), other women's Facebook pages, you are not concentrating on YOU, and this is taking away from your own preparation and experience. You may have to commit to only checking your Facebook page once per week so you can limit distractions and negative feelings. 
     YOU have what it takes. YOU are Mrs. Ohio. Picture that crown on your head and sash around your body and be confident in your gifts and abilities. 
     For those of you sitting out there interested in competing, wondering "what if?", don't let anything hold you back. This is your year to set yourself loose of limits and erase that imaginary line you have been afraid to cross. Now is the time to step out boldly in faith and follow your dream! 
     I am here to help you. If you would like some help preparing for the pageant, please contact me as soon as possible so we can get started on your journey to the crown. 

I believe in you! 

Teri Grothaus
Mrs. Ohio 2013


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