Friday, April 25, 2014

     Wow, I can't believe that there are only seven weeks until I crown the new Mrs. Ohio America! My year of reign has gone by so fast, and crowning my successor will certainly be bittersweet.
     My dream of becoming Mrs. Ohio America came true last year on June 29th. It was truly God's perfect timing in my life and I have received so many blessings and experienced amazing opportunities with my title.
     One of my goals when I competed for Mrs. Ohio, was that if I had the opportunity to go to Mrs. America, I wanted to place in the top 15. I was fortunate enough to fulfill that goal, and my experience in Tucson, AZ is one that I will treasure forever. Not just because of my placement, but because I made friendships that will last a lifetime, and had so much fun while I was there. I really cannot say enough about my experience at nationals, but I will say that whoever gets to go will be one lucky lady!
     One of the great things about being Mrs. Ohio America (and believe me, there are many great things!), is that your title and your year of reign is what you make of it. My passion is childhood cancer awareness, and I had the opportunity to make appearances and help to raise funds for this important cause. A couple of highlights included attending the Nellie's Catwalk for Kids Fashion Show, filming a public service announcement during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and making an appearance at the St. Baldrick's Shave-a-thon, where thousands of dollars were raised for childhood cancer research. I am also really excited to be volunteering at the upcoming St. Jude's Discover the Dream Gala at the Columbus Zoo!
     Being a pediatric nurse and a mom to five kiddos, children have a special place in my heart. I was so humbled to be a part of the Toys for Tots toy drive at Christmas time in Toledo and be interviewed by 13 ABC. The generosity of the community was amazing, and I was smiling all day, despite the freezing temperatures! I also was a part of the Princess for a Day event put on by Kids Count Too, a foster and adoption agency. Little girls have the opportunity to have their hair and make-up done, have "princess" lessons, receive a dress and have a photo shoot, and then attend a tea party luncheon followed by dancing with music from a DJ. I cannot even begin to tell you how fun it was to dance out there with those little girls, and I truly felt like a celebrity that day!
     Some of the other appearances I made were attending the Teen and Miss Ohio USA pageant, judging several pageants, and meeting Miss Ohio America, Heather Wells, as well as Miss America Nina Davuluri and hearing her speak about cultural diversity. In January, I traveled to Seattle, WA, where I met up with several of my Mrs. America classmates. We rented a house and had a great weekend hanging out, site seeing, and attending the Mrs. WA America pageant. We had so much fun together, and I really miss my "sisters".  I also became a Vault Denim representative for Ohio with the Mrs. America organization and can't wait to see where this journey takes me.
         Ladies, I want to tell you that being Mrs. Ohio America really IS something special, so make the most out of your city and county titles, as well as your journey to the crown. I know I will be making the most out of the remainder of my time, continuing to make appearances and thanking God each day for the opportunities and blessings He has given me through this title. I am so excited to meet those of you who have stepped out in faith and decided to pursue your dream of becoming Mrs. Ohio America. If I can answer any questions for you, calm any fears, or help you in any way, please don't hesitate to ask. Lastly, remember that each of you have already won in some way. Your personal growth on this journey is a victory in itself. Enjoy this time of preparation, and Live the Moment!


Mrs. Ohio America 2013

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