Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Preconceived Obstacles

     Fear. It is what holds us in place, never moving forward, never trying anything new...and ultimately never growing or achieving that dream in our heart.
     There are some of you that have chosen to step out of your comfort zones and take a chance at the Mrs. Ohio title. But, there are some of you who are still sitting on the fence, so to speak. Your heart is telling you to "go for it!", your head is asking you, "are you crazy?". Let me tell you, I was there once. But I am so glad that I did not let the fear hold me back, and I kept pushing forward because being Mrs. Ohio is my dream come true!
     When we are considering something new, our mind will come up with a myriad of reasons why we can't take that first step. If you have read my biography on this website, you probably remember me listing a few of mine. As I have been speaking with some of you who are wavering between competing or watching from the audience, I have heard some of your preconceived obstacles for pursuing the Mrs. Ohio America title. In an attempt to help you, I would like to dispel some myths and hopefully put your preconceived obstacles to rest:

  •  "I'm too short". There isn't a height requirement for pageantry. I am 5'3" and have placed before women much taller than me. At Mrs. America, I was one of the most petite (I prefer this word to "short" lol) contestants there, but I still placed in the top 15. And with my 5 inch heels, I appeared to be the same height as some of the other women. The judges are not looking for a short or tall queen. They want the total package...someone beautiful on the inside and out, someone people can relate to, and the person they feel would best represent the system. So, put on your high heels and go show them what you've got! 
  • "I'm not in shape/I weigh too much". Yes, it is true that physical fitness is important when competing in a pageant, and it is taken into consideration on stage. But don't use this as an excuse not to compete. Instead, use it as inspiration! Start eating healthy and exercising early in the pageant year. What better to motivate you to shed those extra pounds and inches than to appear before hundreds of people in a bathing suit, or put on that beautiful fitted gown? Maybe you won't be exactly where you want when you compete, but working hard to accomplish a goal builds confidence. The pageant may be just the motivation you need to keep living a healthy lifestyle. Remember that the judges are not looking for a stick-thin runway model. They are looking for someone healthy and physically fit. They also know that this is a "Mrs." pageant, and many contestants have children. That is taken into consideration. So, use the pageant as a challenge to get in shape, and then get out there and show off that new body. (And don't worry about cellulite or stretch marks! I have them too!)
  • "I'm too old".  There is no age limit in the Mrs. Ohio America pageant. In fact, there are 70 year old women who compete with confidence! If you watched the Mrs. America pageant, then you probably know that I was the oldest contestant in the top 15. Last year and the year before that, Mrs. America was in her 40's. Age is just a number. (And they say that 40 is the new 20!). 
  • "I can't afford it". I'm not going to lie, pageantry can be an expensive hobby. But, you don't have to rob a bank, or refinance your house in order to compete. Ask your friends and family to sponsor you. Their financial contribution can help pay your entry fees or other pageant expenses. You also do not have to spend thousands on a gown. In fact, I beg you not to! Remember, it is the girl that makes the gown, not the other way around. You want them looking at you, your grace and your poise, not just staring at your dress. Borrow a gown from someone you know. If that is not an option, there are several websites that offer reasonably priced, previously worn gowns. Try Pageant Resale, or the Ms., Miss, and Mrs. Facebook page.This rule also applies to your interview attire, shoes, and anything else you may need.  I have been fortunate enough to find some really great pieces on these websites to add to my Mrs. Ohio wardrobe. 
  • "I'm not pretty enough." Unfortunately, as women, that is a lie we often tell ourselves. We are bombarded by heavily airbrushed photos of beautiful women who appear to have no blemishes or wrinkles and who have amazing porcelain like skin with flawless make-up. Yes, it is a beauty pageant, and yes, facial beauty is taken into consideration. But, it is much more than that. Interview is 50% of your score, which means that your inner beauty is equally important. Have you ever met that person that you think is nice looking, but they become more beautiful after you get to know them? I have for sure. Their inner beauty and their heart transforms their outer appearance. Be confident and let your inner beauty do the same for you.
  • "I have stage fright". Oh girl....let me tell you, I can relate to this one! I had a horrible case of stage fright. My eye would twitch, my lips would quiver, and my legs would shake. I would get chills, but my skin was clammy, and my heart would beat so hard I was sure the judges could hear it. One year, my legs shook so much that I stumbled a couple of times. But, every time I appeared on stage it got a little bit better, and now I am able to control those butterflies (they seemed like large-winged dragons before that!). It  helps to get out there an make appearances with your city or county titles. The more you are exposed to crowds, and people you don't know, the better it gets. My advice for stage fright? Feel the fear and do it anyway. Each time you do this, you are wiping out the fear bit by bit. Before you know it, you will be a pro!
I am hoping that I have covered most of the preconceived obstacles that are keeping you from realizing your dream of becoming Mrs. Ohio. Instead of thinking about all the reasons that you can't compete, start listing the reasons why you should. God put that dream in your heart for a reason. Follow it. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

Hugs to all of you,

Mrs. Ohio 2013

P.S. If I can answer any questions for you or help you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact me through my Facebook or Twitter account. :)

                                                                 Mrs. America Top 15

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